Welcome! This blog is to share about my life with the kids and staff at Christian Happy Home in Poipet, Cambodia.
Many blessings!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A New Season

My favorite tree
So, I think a lot about trees these days. Their seasons and lifecycles, their flowers and fruit, their imperceptible growth over time. We've planted a lot of trees over the last four years at Happy Home. I've watched all the trees at our home grow and develop, but especially this one. It's fascinating to observe its seasonal cycles. In the winter months it loses almost all of its leaves; it's barren, flowerless, fruitless, and looks almost dead. Every year I wonder if it will revive, or if maybe this is the year it will die. But without fail, as winter turns spring, new leaves bud, its flowers bloom, and it produces its fruit; and it is bigger, stronger, and more beautiful than any year before. I wanted to cut down this tree when I first moved to the Home in December 2008 because I thought it was dead. I'm so thankful I didn't.

Some of our other trees seem to have no seasons or cycles at all, but slowly, steadily, imperceptibly they grow. It's impossible to actually sit and watch them grow, but when I look at them now they are at least twice as tall as when I first arrived. Some of the trees that were the smallest then are the tallest now. And I didn't even realize they were growing.

The Bible has many analogies comparing our life of faith and walk with God to the growth of trees (Ps 1, John 15, Matt 7). And like trees, our lives also have seasons (Eccl 3, Ps 1), both fruitful and barren. I entered a new season of my life with God when I came to Cambodia. And in the four years I've been here, there have been seasons I experienced the beauty of the fruit of the Spirit, and seasons I felt spiritually dry and barren. But through these seasons I must believe there has been growth. Not that I'm aware of it, nor can I even recognize it. Not that I've contributed much toward it, and may have, in fact, hindered it. But I don't cause my own growth any more than a tree does. It is God, my Father, the faithful Vinedresser, who "gives the increase." Slow. Imperceptible. Growth.

With fellow nurse Gretchen in Poipet 
Now, I'm entering another season of my life with God. At the beginning of July I'll be returning to the States full-time to re-enter the field of nursing, Lord willing.  More than ten years ago, the Lord answered my prayer for direction in my life and led me to become a nurse. I love being a nurse. And have missed being a nurse. And now, I believe it is time for me to return to nursing.  This hasn't been a quick or easy decision, but is something I've been praying about for a couple of years and for which I only recently received peace and confirmation. My plans, tentatively, are to visit my family in Missouri first, spend some time studying and getting refreshed, then hopefully return to nursing in Oregon. So, while I'm excited about entering this new season, I'm also saddened at the thought of leaving the current season and everyone I've met, served with, and become family with during this time.  I wonder if trees experience growing pains at the change of seasons also? 

Sheri and Darrell Wilson
You may be wondering about the Home and kids. Rose will continue to lead the Home in Poipet, splitting her time between Cambodia and Thailand.  A new couple serving with MMF, Darrell and Sheri Wilson, will be living here at the Home full-time and assisting Rose with daily oversight and administration.  I'm very thankful the Lord has raised-up new servants for the work of the ministry.  Please pray for them, the staff, and the kids, for this transition to go smoothly, and for God's grace and peace to cover them all.

I know it's been a long, long time since I sent an update, and I can't possibly update you on a whole year's activities, so I've included some pictures below to give you a glimpse into our last year.  Enjoy:

First day of Kindergarten

Little kids garden
Singing competition
Cool chick champions!
Drama competition
Dayhike with a view.
Picknicking in the park.
Merry Christmas...... 
....and Happy New Year!
Girls soccer team - 3rd place!
Mummy fun!
Birthday fun!
Our new swimmin' hole.
Vaccinations are going well.....
....mostly.  Ooucchh!!
Sung, little girls' housemom, got married!
Chanly joined us as the new housemom.
Maria, little boys' housemom, got engaged!
Staff retreat in Thailand

Said Goodbye to Witt, Mom and Tanya as they left for Bible College


Project Compassion medical team clinics.
CC Pacific Hills - painted murals in girls' houses.
My Mom visited.  Everyone's excited!
Mom and me touring Thailand.

Well, that about wraps it up.  In closing, I just want to say Thank You and God Bless You to everyone for your encouragement, prayers, and support over the last four years. You  don't know how much you've helped me along the way.  I ask that you would continue to pray for the Home and for me as well.  I'm a little nervous about returning to the States, but I know the Lord will be with me as always.  With much love, Patty

"To everything there is a season,
a time for every purpose under heaven."
Ecclesiastes 3:1

1 comment:

  1. wow, has it been four years? your faithful and fruitful walk is an inspiration. thanks for sharing. may you be greatly blessed. we hope to see you around San Diego if you visit sometime. Donn & Beth
